Saturday, June 24, 2006

Another Illustration

This is what has been occupying a good part of the week at the Vet School. I am between contracting jobs at Seyet, and got an email from my "former" professor, DW, asking if I wanted to try my hand at this. I had told him how homesick I was for the School, and asked that if there were an illustration job I could do that he didn't want to, would he call me. He did.

Dr. L wanted a picture of a horse for a Powerpoint lecture showing the central nervous system of the horse. His talk is going to be on a certain parasite that attacks this area. The symptoms vary depending on what part of it the parasite has affected. I have taken this picture and highlighted, in PhotoShop, the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, the cervical spinal cord and the thoracic spinal cord. (In this picture the cerebrum is highlighted) It was a good exercise in altering the image with PhotoShop. I needed to do that. Dr. L could not have asked me to illustrate a more fond subject. I've been drawing horses for over 40 years, and you are looking at my Dream Horse. It's a Morgan.


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